
Only Scholar+ Fellows actively enrolled at Alliant are eligible for study days. These Fellows are expected to attend all study days and to complete & submit any assigned work during the allotted time.

Fellows who are absent from sessions will not receive payment for that time unless using accrued PTO or sick leave. Fellows who are unable to attend PD days should notify their TeachStart consultant at least a week in advance.

  • Some study days include mandatory webinars with Alliant International University to prepare you for your enrollment and courses toward earning your teaching credential.

*Fellows in a long term placement whose schools have requested they work during a PD or study day may do so if preferred and approved by a TeachStart consultant. Fellows are expected to notify their TeachStart consultant a week in advance of this request.

Sample Study Day Schedule

  • 9AM-10AM PT Synchronous session on Zoom
  • 10AM-10:30AM PT TeachStart Consultant Office Hours
  • 10:30 AM-12:00 PM PT Optional collaborative work time/self-paced work time
  • 1:00PM PT-5:00PM PT Self-paced work time